7 Life-Saving Ways to Keep Your Kids Insect-Free During Your Travel

While you’re traveling with your kids, your primary concern is keeping them safe and healthy. Although tropical areas are appealing and wonderful places to visit with your kids, many kinds of insects are found there.

Different regions are inhabited by different insects whose bites can be dangerous for your kids.

Here are 7 ways to keep your kids safe while traveling:

1. Apply Insects Repellent

The best way to keep your kids insect-free while traveling is to apply insect repellent on their bodies. Avoid a common mistake that many people do- make sure to apply the repellent on top of the sunscreen. Don’t do this the other way around.

Mostly, insects make contact with our lower part of the body and in the case of kids as well. While you’re traveling with your kids, make sure to dress them from top to bottom and don’t leave any part of the body bare. Even if it is hot weather wear your kids light clothes.
Furthermore, light-colored clothes are somewhat invisible to insects, and they are less attracted to them. Dress your kids in light-colored clothes to keep your kids safe while traveling.

Insects often bite on the bony parts like hands, ankles, and knees. One life-saving way is to wear ankle-height shoes and tuck the pants into shoes to cover their ankles. This way, you can keep your kids safe while traveling.

The most efficient way to keep your kids safe while traveling is to dress them in anti-insects clothes. These clothes are treated with permethrin, which is an effective insect repellent widely used to keep away insects.

If you are traveling with your kids and decide to camp outside, then chances are there will be insects in the open fields. Make sure you keep your kids safe while traveling and camping by using lanterns and place proper nets around your kid’s sleeping area. You can prefer screen rooms over nets in case of summer nights when you want the cool breeze to blow through your tent.

In case you are staying in a hotel room while on tour, make sure there is no water in the dustbin or any open water in the room. Stagnant water is the breeding place of insects and can make you suffer. The room has stagnant water. Don’t keep your kids and yourself in such a room.

If you want to keep your kids safe while traveling, then don’t apply scented perfumes, lotions, and creams on your children. Even the insect repellent you apply to them, preferably, should be odorless. Also, ensure the sunscreen you are using is odorless.

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