About Lovejoy

My name is Lovejoy Adrados. I’m a Certified Public Accountant by profession, a Business Adviser, Blogger and Photographer by passion, and my favorite, a working mother of two amazing kids!

I am a mother of two adorable children named Uriel (Urie’s Origami World) and Eli (Eli’s the Wonderful World of Ballet). 

On the early stage of my career in 2006, I worked in an Auditing Firm, just like what most newly passers CPA do in order to head start of my career. After almost two years, I decided that I wanted to take my Masters Degree. However, I am having difficulty attending class by being on the firm since I travel most of the time for work.  

Then, I transferred to a stock brokerage firm under The Philippine Stock Exchange and studied at De La Salle University for my Masteral in Business Administration.

I went back to my province in Laguna and started by life in manufacturing industries. From then on, I fell in love with manufacturing and spent significant years of my career on it.

Do Things That You Loved The Most

I am in love with anything travel. I started traveling since the year 2000 when I join mountaineering and road trip groups in my historic province in Laguna, Philippines. I also joined the travel feature journalism and photography group founded by our province. I also represented our College in our Provincial Radio Station tuned for Youth.

I started Blogging and Photography back then and won some contest I enter. In addition, I have started earning from this passion. I truly enjoyed these times of my life! (It’s me on the brown shirt).

I always believe in the saying that “Life is too short not to do things you love to do. Life is too short to waste it doing things that you do not enjoy. ” With my travel experiences, I was able to learn more about life and entrepreneurship. 

That is right! It’s a dual purpose when I travel. I go to places and ask business people if I can talk to them. I ask how they do things. I observe every businesses and discover how they earn from it. I also make sure that before I leave a place, I was able to get at least 5 significant contact information.

Struggled, Lost, But Found

Since when I was a kid (at age 5), my sister and I would always find ways to earn. My mother gave us allowance for school only starting grade 5. We started collecting Disney stickers from instant noodles and sell them in school at Php0.50 each. After playing marble with our playmates, we would sell the number of marbles we have won during the game. We would also sell partially the “Pringles” to our classmates gave to us by our father as pasalubong whenever he goes out of the country.

But becoming adult and starting my own business was never easy. The start of my entrepreneurial life was a struggle. I have been into numerous businesses, borrowed money poorly, and lost significant amount of money. 

Then I told myself that I do not want to commit the same costly mistake I had when it comes to business. So, I studied really hard, attended a lot of seminars, forums, and gatherings. I read numerous books and interview people. With that, I was able to establish the business I loved the most. 

People would ask me to share my experiences. That’s when I started writing about them again. This helped my audience learn from me and leverage the experiences I had when it comes to money and business.

My Favorite Role

I know that you will relate so much with me when I say that being a working mom will stretch all types of boundaries you have. But nothing beats being a working mom. It is the best experience every woman could ever have. 
