Does Money Spent on Travel Really Worth-it?

In life, it turns out that it is not whoever has the most stuffs wins. It is whoever has the most experience of these world wins.

In the world where most people work to buy houses, fancy cars, luxury items, and afford overpriced food, a lot thought that these are the measurements of success.
When you attend your school reunion, your colleagues would talk about the house they purchased and the cars they drive. They would also show off how expensive their jewelries and bags are, etc.

Really and seriously?

But have they talked about the changes they made in this world and if they have improved themselves all throughout the years passed?
If you can just realize, these material things can be taken away in instant. But your travel experience stays with you and forge in your identity forever. Good thing is no one can steal it away from you. 
Here are strong reasons why money spent on travel is priceless and is the best investment that you can give to yourself and your loved ones.

1. Permanent Tattoo on Your Soul

Traveling has the power to stay. Does the new cellphone you received last 2010 still excites you? I will be very surprise if you say yes. But the road  trip you had in New Zealand definitely you remember. Or the time you went for a Safari adventure in Africa.

Traveling is like a tattoo that stays with you forever and it’s very difficult for you to erase them in your life. It provides you a permanent picture in your memory – whether good or bad ones.

2. Increased Network

You don’t need to pay networking groups just to increase your squad. Traveling itself will bring you that. And these usually lasts a lifetime.

I once met a friend from China and we became best friends. She will send me sweet messages during my birthday and send me special gifts. A very good colleague of mine who lived in Australia would love to help me on my further professional course and even migration, if I chose to,

A Canadian friend whom I met on Changi Singapore Airport asked me to join her on her volunteer works around Asia.

Increased network is one of the priceless perks of traveling. You too can meet someone who can broaden your horizon.

3. Owning Unique Stories to Tell

Traveling – it leaves you speechless then turns you into a storyteller – Ibn Batutta, a Muslim Moroccan Scholar and Explorer who have traveled the medieval world.

Nothing beats having your own story to impart when you travel. Even if a lot of people has traveled Disneyland, all have different stories to tell. Every experience is unique.

Having a unique story to tell is like having your own book, no one can copy from it. Owning a unique story sets you apart from the ordinary. How cool was that? Wasn’t that worth of an investment?

4. New Opportunity

Most of us wait for the proper opportunity but did you know that you should also stand up and look for that opportunity? On traveling, not only you will meet people who will guide and help you but will also provide you a better opportunity.

A friend of mine who is a marketing consultant but with passion in cooking was able to move his passion to reality by attending cooking school classes every time he goes abroad. I myself join photography club walks on places I go to, thus, was able to meet fellow photographer and writer by passion. I gained opportunity to blog on their websites as well.

Opportunities only knock ones but if it doesn’t come your way, create your own door. Same in traveling, it will not come to you unless you plan and book that flight.

My Takeaways

There are more priceless returns why you should start to travel now. Remember, if you can buy material temporary things, you can definitely fund your own travel which will give you the ultimate achievement in life.

Traveling is something that will build your soul in unexpected ways. That is something that no one can steal you from and you can carry throughout the rest of your life.

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