Why People Chose Not to Travel But Should?

Since the start of the series of articles of Freedom Travel, I always mention how fun it is to travel.

I also enforced the benefits of packing up your bags and heading to that road less travel destinations.

But despite the benefits of travelling, why other people still do not travel?

One time I met with one of my friends in high school who grew up, had jobs, and had family on the same town when we were teens. She said that she has not gone out to other countries to travel and probably would never would.

She has laid-out reasons (I think she has more than 10 reasons) why their families don’t want and never want to travel.

I just told myself – that will be my worst nightmare! Not being to travel for say next 50 years of my life? It’s insane!

Having no freedom and even choice to travel is an extreme punishment for me.

I totally respect her choice but again, there are a lot of delusions about traveling that I totally not agree. Let me know your thoughts at the end of the article.

Here are the common mindset that hinder people to travel:

1. I don’t have money to spend. Traveling is expensive.

Since the beginning of time, we’ve been subtly explained that travel ‘has to be expensive’. After all, how would you even afford those luxurious hotels or the exorbitant plane fares if you don’t have enough cash? But contrary to this common notion, travel isn’t always expensive. While you’ll need money for almost everything in life, you can always optimize these costs and head for a budget tour.

At this day and this age, travel is no longer a distant dream. It is way more accessible for the masses and you’ll find something or the other within your budget. Yes. There will always be a few countries where holidaying is cheaper than staying at home. Food and hotel costs are equally affordable as tourism is on a steep decline. So while exotic destinations are still expensive, you can always pick alternate options for budget travel.

2. I have to use my hard-earned money just to spend on something that is intangible?

When you say hard-earned money, it means the money that is coming from your labor, sweat, and efforts. All I can say is, YES!

Where you put your hard-earned money is up to you. You even buy gadget and cool stuffs you don’t’ need out of your money. So why not invest on traveling?

To give you an idea, when you sell a company, the buyer may pay higher than your actual company’s cost. The difference of it is goodwill – which is an intangible.

Similar in life, what really matters are the memories and significance someone created on this world, not the material things.

3. I am too young, I don’t think I can handle everything on my own.

Traveling knows no age. Some people, especially parents, fear their kids traveling on their own for a journey of a lifetime because of the incidents they read from the news. But the thing is, there are a lot more dangerous places near you when you even realize.

With proper research, you will be able to gain the confidence to travel at young age. Of course, I suggest that you should be on legal age before doing this. If you are or your child is a minor, he or she should have some guardian with him or her.

4. Travelling is only for retirees.

Can you even enjoy taking long walks if you are a retiree already? In the first place, why wait for your retiring age to travel? Why not take a mini-retirement now?

Today is the best start for you to travel different countries and places. While you still can.

5. I might loss my job after coming back from a long travel.

Like I already mentioned, traveling has an immensely positive impact on your career. So this myth is completely baseless. Traveling doesn’t mean you’re running away from your responsibilities; it rather means that you’re mature enough to give yourself a break. And with the hectic work schedule and stringent deadlines that you have to follow everyday- you definitely deserve a quality break.

When you return from a tour, you come with a fresh mind and end up being much more productive at work. Additionally, the tour itself gives you an opportunity for networking and conceptualizing new approaches to handle old problems. So if you’re looking to kick-start your career with high doses of motivation and productivity- head out for a tour right away!

6. Not all people are nice in this world.

So as your neighbor. Again, little that you realize that your own community might be more dangerous than you think. If you think that world is unsafe, guess what, you are part of the world. I suggest if you wanted to have cultural encounter with different countries, contact some organizations in the country and they will be more than willing to help you with your travel plans.

There are more legitimate reasons why other people choose not to travel as much as they wanted to. But for whatever reason it is, do not let it stop you from getting your most desired travel freedom. Ask support from someone in our community, or me, if you are already in the verge of giving up your dream. We will support each other towards our same #TravelGoals!

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